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F1 Hybrid
Snow Ball
Type: highly dome shaped
Maturity: 80 days after transplanting
Average weight per curd: 1500-2500g
Optimal growth temperature: 10-30℃
Cold tolerance during head formation: -5℃ to 0℃
Disease resistance: Highly resistant to black spot disease, soft rot, and sclerotinia rot
Distinctive features: Upright plant, spiral leaves fully covering the curd, strong adaptability, suitable for cultivation in cold regions, resilient against multiple plantings.
版权所有│上海申耕农业发展有限公司 地址:上海市嘉定区祁连山南路2199号533室
邮编:201824 电话:021-69105290 传真:021-69105292 技术支持:种子信息网 沪ICP备18034154号-1 登录
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